Michael, if you don’t say another word to me ever again, you have already earned your money in spades. Thank you for touching me so deeply, already. There is nothing worse than being so passionate about people and life on the inside and feeling so trapped and lost about expressing it on the outside.

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Michael, I’ve been on my journey and it has been a fascinating and challenging one, one which I could not have embarked upon without your help. True, we haven’t spoken for a few weeks, but I have been applying the precepts we spoke of and gradually things are improving. I am building myself back up, holding my head higher, and gaining confidence. I am also re-wiring my responses in order to avoid anger as a go-to reaction.
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Michael, where do I begin in expressing my gratitude for your countless hours of coaching? You are not only my coach, buy my role model and close friend. The distinctions I have learned from you about human behavior, masculine-feminine energies, understanding and honoring women, the power of focus, taking action, and finding my purpose in life has truly transformed me.
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Dear Michael, I am writing this letter to explain the impact that your guidance has made on my life in the brief time I have come to know you. Not only have you intuitively and masterfully shepherded me through an extra-ordinary number of life changes in just 8 months but you have been instrumental in helping me achieve a quality of life and sense of well being that I have never known.
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That’s why I love you! Profound and always on point! Thank you! What an incredible change for the New Year! I feel as though you are the reason I’m working here. You challenged me in a way that made a difference and in a way that resonated and helped to empower me. Can never thank you enough my friend and coach!

Hi Michael! I’ve attached a brief email that my company just sent out announcing my promotion to Vice President! Once again, I want say thank you!!! With your help and wisdom I’ve been able to achieve this position, but most importantly, I’m enjoying the best relationship with my wife ever, and at the same time of this promotion! Life is good! Michael I truly am grateful that you entered my life! Thank You!

If you were any more brilliant, you’d be lighting the earth and having the planets all revolve around you. I never in a billion years would have attributed (my boyfriends) problems to commitment and/or emotional expression, but it explains everything. Thank you!!! And just in case (your sales rep) hasn’t called you yet, I just re-upped for another 6 months with you. After I read your response by email, I realized I don’t know how I’m going to get through these next perilous six months without you, so I put my (event) refund to better use. I can’t live without my Michael!!!

Michael – WOW would be the word. I opened up to you and you really delivered! Sometimes things are right in front of your face and you just don’t see it. I got it intellectually but it took me feeling your intensity & insight to really understand how important forgiveness of myself was in order to open myself to love.
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Michael reached directly into my heart and awakened my ability to be me and to be real about what makes me unique. I enjoy doing my “homework” very much and have fun raising my standards all around. I have reached 3 goals and nearly 4 in only 5 sessions. One of my new goals is to give away all of the good I now feel to everyone I can. Thank you from my heart.

Michael; just wanted to say OH MY GOODNESS, THANK YOU SO MUCH for your help the other day. I implemented what we talked about and I barely had to say anything and my son was completely different. He clearly sensed my change in energy. We have had a really good time the last couple of days, it’s been amazing! The only time he had a tantrum was when I was tired and used my “direct Theresa” voice. Other-wise, it’s been so much fun – and he’s been so helpful and the atmosphere has completely changed. I cannot thank you enough. Really, I am so grateful.

Michael; Just a quick note to let you know that I am on a roll and taking names! Wow, feeling pretty good and attracting everything good and leaving the rest at the door! Thanks for your help with this. I wouldn’t be here without you

Michael; The final week in Waikiki went outstanding! We had a two day sales event and sold out mid-way through the first day. This set a world-wide record for resort real estate; selling over $700 million in one day! I really don’t know how many deals I did, as it was crazy, with one client after another. In any case, thanks for all your help, as our last two calls really served me and gave me the push and structure I needed to succeed with this event! God Bless You coach for taking me to the next level!

Michael: I just wanted to let you know how much I enjoyed working with you! You are always a bundle of joy when I get on the phone with you! And it was very refreshing the way you always seemed to meet me exactly where I was… whether I was laughing, crying, or….Thank you for working with and being patient with my crazy schedule! I hope I didn’t drive you too crazy! I would love to keep in touch and start working together again at the end of the summer.

Michael – thanks for all the support and guidance you’ve given me this last year. It has genuinely helped me reach a new level in my thinking and results. I am very grateful.

Michael Nitti has stumbled upon a simple secret to uncovering the evil mask that depression and anxiety have forced me to wear and opened my eyes to the constant abundance of choices I actually have at any given moment. It feels so good to move through life at powerful speeds with a grateful mind and a passionate heart. Thank you Michael for everything!
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Michael: I am so grateful for the conversation we had. Your words have completely moved me and transformed me…I really got everything you said so clearly. You have such a way of explaining it. Some of the things you said I have heard before, but it was just the way you explained it that I really got it. What a beautiful gift from God you have. Thank you so much for sharing it with me.
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Michael; Thank you for the powerful coaching session today. I am grateful for being your client. God bless you Michael.

Michael; Your willingness to help and guide through these days has shown your serious attitude, your dedication to results, and your compassion. It is humbling to be associated with you.

Michael, thank you so much for coaching the two ladies I referred to you. “The first” is now a totally different person, and I am so very happy for “the second.”. I can’t thank you enough! By the way, everyone that reads your book absolutely loves it. The latest is a lady who works with us and she won’t stop talking about it. Hugs…

Michael Nitti is an unbelievable coach. Having him coach both my husband and myself has been a huge benefit. His insights and methods of getting his message to really connect with those he coaches is truly impressive. He doesn’t coach from a text book, he coaches from his heart, which makes a huge difference. I really believe he has a special gift, and I am grateful to have him as a coach. He has changed my life for the better – I wouldn’t consider coaching with anyone else.

When I look back over the past months I see that, thanks to you, I have peeled away layer upon layer of my old self. Little by little I’m exposing the authentic me that got lost through the years. What an extraordinary feeling, Michael. I knew it was there I just had absolutely no idea how to retrieve it. God bless you for this gift and may he inspire me to be productive with it as well.
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Hi Michael…. Really great season yesterday! I applied some of your suggestions with my son, and Wow, it was the best we have felt in a long, long time. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!